STARGLOW British Made SMART Paints & Products Here is a selection of our Starglow Product Range. Use the Search Box if you do not see what you require. LUMINOUS PAINTGlow-in-the-Dark SMART Paint UV NEON PAINTUV Fluorescent Neon Paint CLEAR UV PAINTClear UV Fluorescent Paint REFLECTIVE MARKERRetro-Reflective Paint Markers REFLECTIVE POWDERRetro-Reflective Additive REFLECTIVE PAINTClear Retro-Reflective Coating STARRY SKY PAINTA Starry Night Ceiling in a Jar COSMIC CEILINGSCosmic Ceiling Painting Kits STARRY SKY KITSSimply Starry Ceiling Painting Kits STARDUSTLarge Size Luminous Particles COSMIC WINDOWLimited Edition Celestial Art GLOW POWDERSGlow for hours. Last for years TRACKARATFluorescent Rodent Tracking Powder COLOURS RANGEDaytime Coloured Glow Powders HI-VIS SAFETY PAINTIt Glows in the Dark too! FRET FINDERS 196 Guitar Position Markers FRET FINDERS 296 Guitar Position Markers FRET FINDERS 396 Guitar Position Markers GLOW VINYLLuminous Vinyl Sheets SUPERSTARS100 Long-Glow Ceiling Stars SWITCH FINDERS30 Light Switch Markers ROOM FINDERSDementia Night Signs PATH FINDERSFind your way in the Dark EDGE FINDERSPrevent Accidents in the Dark SMARTMARKInvisible UV Mark & Track SMARTMARKInvisible UV Mark & Track SMARTMARKInvisible UV Mark & Track RODENT DETECTORUV PRO Vermin Tracker TRACKARAT KITSUV Rodent Tracking Powder Kits PET STAIN DETECTORUV PRO Cat and Dog Stain Finder UV DYETECTIVETHEFT Detection Applicator Kit UV DYETECTIVETHEFT Detection Spray Kit UV DYETECTIVETHEFT Detection PRO Kit UV DYETECTIVETHEFT Detection Applicator UV DYETECTIVETHEFT Detection Spray UV DYETECTIVETHEFT Detection Powder UV PRO FORENSICHigh Quality UV Torch CLAMP LAMP25w 365nm UV Clip-on Light UV FORENSICHigh Quality UV Torch See ‘Delivery’ for our dispatch days, shipping costs and options. Prices exclude VAT